growth lab startup growth advisory startup growth consultancy
for startups that just need direction


The most flexible service offered.
We can shape this together based on your business’ needs, objectives and resources

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who is this service for?

Startups that need direction, consultancy, and mentorship

This service is the most effective & cost efficient option for you if you need a growth expert for top-level guidance, with weekly/biweekly/semi-weekly advisory sessions

If you need someone to continuously & frequently be involved to support your startup's growth, The Fractional CGO service might be a better option.

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what does this service offer?

From audits and strategies, to team structures & KPIs.. get advice, insights, and action plans for all things related to startup growth

The commitment is between 2 and 8 hours / month, for a minimum of 3 months - it could be for the whole business, or for a specific issue/objective

Finding Growth Opportunities

Auditing your online presence & techstack (web, app, analytics, tools..) and/or auditing your acquisition, retention, and monetization (revenue growth) efforts to identify growth blockers & opportunities.

Strategies & Experiments

Analyzing your business performance (metrics & KPIs), setting growth objectives, and creating growth strategies, experiments, frameworks & roadmaps for your startup.

Optimizing User Journeys

Mapping your user journeys and user funnels, finding leaks and opportunities to improve retention & increase conversion rates at every step

Growth Team Structures

No hiring. Just advising on optimal growth/marketing team structures and needed skill sets for your startup, defining KPIs of each role, and suggesting hiring roadmaps based on your objectives & milestones.

the Process

A good process is your best friend, can't go anywhere without it!

growth lab startup growth advisory startup growth consultancy process step 1
Step 1

Project Assessment

We'll start by a deep dive to get an understanding of your business, market, needs & objectives

growth lab startup growth advisory startup growth consultancy process step 2
Step 2

Setting Objectives

We set objectives for our partnership and draft what can be done from both sides to make sure you get the most value

growth lab startup growth advisory startup growth consultancy process step 3
Step 3

Shaping the Agreement

We determine how I can best support your startup growth, along with the frequency & duration of my engagement. I'll provide transparent advice & make sure to manage your expectations

growth lab startup growth advisory startup growth consultancy process step 4
Step 4

Moving Forward

Depending on the agreement & whether it's going to be biweekly, weekly or twice weekly engagement, we schedule the sessions& kickoff

here for you

Want to know more? Let's talk.

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