Malak Karajah
Malak Karajah

Malak Karajah

Malak is a startup growth expert with 11+ years of experience. She is a growth advisor, consultant, mentor & trainer.

Articles by 

Malak Karajah

The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Sustainable Growth for Your Startup

The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Sustainable Growth for Your Startup

From understanding the importance of sustainable growth to implementing advanced tactics for customer acquisition and retention, this in-depth guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to drive sustainable growth in your startup.

June 24, 2023
Customer Onboarding & Activation

Customer Onboarding & Activation

When customers don't understand how to use your product/tool/app, or can't see its value, they will get frustrated and most probably leave.

June 1, 2023
20 Types of Startup Growth Strategies You Need to Know

20 Types of Startup Growth Strategies You Need to Know

Here's not 1, not 2, but 20 different types of growth strategies that you can use for your startup, with the pros & cons of each.

June 1, 2023
How do I start working on growth in my startup?

How do I start working on growth in my startup?

A question that startup founders always ask me in mentorship sessions: “How do I start working on growth in my startup?”

June 1, 2023